Pearl Academy, a leading institution in creative education, has launched India's first Meta Campus at Comic Con Bengaluru 2025. This groundbreaking initiative marks a historic milestone in the institution's 32-year legacy, pushing the boundaries of education by integrating cutting-edge technology with creativity in a fully immersive virtual environment.
What is a Meta Campus?
A Meta Campus is a digital twin of Pearl Academy's physical campus, spread across a series of immersive zones. Each zone represents different academic disciplines and includes interactive touchpoints such as a virtual counsellor that answers real-time queries, 3D installations, live fashion shows, student work showcases, ‘spin the wheel’ activities, coin smash challenge, photo booth, and more.
Immersive Experience
Visitors at Comic Con Bengaluru 2025 had the unique opportunity to experience the Meta Campus firsthand, using VR headsets for a deeper, more immersive journey into the future of education. They interacted with the Virtual Counsellor and participated in the Coin Smash Challenge, an interactive game within the Meta Campus.
CB Arun Kumar's Insights
CB Arun Kumar, Dean of Communication Design, Film, and Gaming at Pearl Academy, spoke about the launch and said that the initiative is a testament to the institution's commitment to staying at the forefront of creative education. “As the OGs of creative education in India, Pearl Academy has carved a niche by nurturing creativity and equipping students with the skills to thrive in the dynamic worlds of Communication Design, Product Design, Fashion, Interiors, and Business Management,” he said.
Future of Learning
Through this immersive virtual experience, Pearl Academy is embracing the future of learning, where technology and creativity converge to provide students with an exceptional, future-ready educational experience. The Meta Campus is accessible to all and offers a glimpse into the innovative ways education can be delivered.
Pearl Academy's Meta Campus is a first-of-its-kind concept that serves as a digital twin of the institution's physical campus. This initiative is set to revolutionize the landscape of education in India, offering visitors and prospective students an unparalleled immersive experience. Pearl Academy continues to set new standards in creative education, ensuring students are well-prepared for the dynamic worlds of design and business.