Top Careers in Entertainment

Top Careers in Entertainment


Job Description

They are responsible for guiding the actors, cinematographers and the crew in order to bring their vision or story to life on the big screen.


Bachelor’s Degree in Filmmaking or relevant course or experience in film making.


NSD Screening Test, JET (conducted by FTII and SRFTI together).

Expected Income

₹37.4 Lakhs to ₹97 Lakhs per annum for moderately experienced directors.

Radio Jockeys

Job Description

They are responsible for interacting with callers, conducting spunky interviews on air, playing music and entertaining the listeners.


Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication or any related field and a pleasing, spunky and entertaining personality.


ACJ Entrance Exam, SET Entrance Exam, IIMC Entrance Exam.

Expected Income

₹2.5 Lakhs to ₹8 Lakhs per annum based on the skill set.


Job Description

They are responsible for playing the role of the character that they are portraying accurately in theatre, play, film or advertisements. Actors are often required to adapt to the roles offered by maintaining or altering body weight, changing appearances, adopting accents, etc.


Bachelor's Degree in Theatre Arts, Drama, Acting, performance arts or relevant field.


Successful performance in TV programs, short films & movies.

Expected Income

₹2.46 Lakhs to ₹20 Lakhs per annum.


Job Description

They are responsible for creating viral videos on Youtube and generate revenue through advertisements. They regularly collaborate with various brands as a part of their work.


Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Economics, marketing or mass communication will give you an edge, although there is no educational requirement for this stream.


Ability to create engaging & viral videos.

Expected Income

₹4 Lakhs and upwards per annum based on the popularity of the YouTube channel.

Singers/Music Composers

Job Description

They are responsible for developing tunes for songs and singing them.


Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts, Music or Music Education.


Performance in various competitions, TV, short films, movies.

Expected Income

₹2.5 Lakhs to ₹50 Lakhs per annum based on skillset & popularity.

Other career options in Agriculture and Food

They are Filmmakers, Social Media Influencers, Anchors, Film Crew Members, Animal Trainers, Choreographers, Personal Assistants, Photographers, Video Editors, Background Actors, Entertainment Writers, Animators, Theatre Managers, Dancers, Cinematographers, Voice-over Artists, Audio Engineers and Casting Managers.


Associated skills

Creative imagination, artistic expression, independent, spontaneous expression, aesthetic interest, openness to new experiences, communication skills.

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