Psychological First Aid: Essential for Promoting Mental Health & Well-being

Psychological First Aid: Essential for Promoting Mental Health & Well-being

Why do you think “Psychological First Aid" is important in Promoting Mental Health and Psycho-Social Balance? 

Psychological first aid is a humane, supportive response to a fellow human being who is suffering and who may need support. Psychological first aid is an approach to helping people affected by an emergency, disaster, or traumatic event. Many researchers, government, and health organizations have supported the idea that early, brief and focused intervention can reduce the social and emotional distress of children and adults after traumatic events by establishing feelings of physical and emotional safety. Mental health problems are intertwined with psycho-social and educational issues, making it imperative for us to play a role in:

  • Promoting positive mental health (e.g., social-emotional development).
  • Intervening early when such problems arise.
  • Exposing Psycho-social supports and risk factors

This exceptional course is designed to equip educators and school professionals with the tools and knowledge needed to support the mental well-being of students and colleagues effectively.

Since 2002, Psychological First Aid (PFA) has been recommended as a key part of psychosocial support following disasters. Implementing Psychological First Aid is not a one-time session but an interactive process that addresses psychological and emotional challenges over time. Consistent support, even from different adults, ensures ongoing assistance as individuals work through their experiences. To explore Psychological First Aid further, to Learn how to apply solution-focused techniques to support individuals facing mental health challenges and earn certification, consider enrolling in the Mental Health Certificate Training: Psychological First Aid.

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